How To Use Your FREE eBay Account To Make Extra Money Without Selling Everything In Your House

Forget About Dumpster Diving.
No Going To Yard Sales or Flea Markets.
Don’t waste money on storage auctions.

If you’ve ever wondered what to sell on ebay, how much to charge and how much for shipping, well you’re not alone. There are over 180 million shoppers on ebay today. With over 1 billion listings and 70% of them ship for FREE.

Back in the 1990’s I was in computer service. I would help my clients that wanted to sell things on ebay setup their stores. If you are new to ebay they offer a free account where you can list up 50 items per month, with a 10% fee when it gets sold. For example if you sell something for $20.00 your fee would be $2.00.Now for me it wasn’t until years later that I actually started to sell on ebay. I had an account only to learn and study how to use ebay so as I could teach my clients how to sell.

ONE DAY, My sister had dropped her Canon camera and the telescopic lens would not retract. Me being the PC/Electronic wiz in the family she asked me if I could repair it. For a short time in my life I worked as a Canon camera repair tech. My boss told me if someone broke their small digital camera that  Canon wouldn’t both fixing them they would just send them a new one.

So I did a search on goggle and low and behold there they were, parts for my sister’s lil digital camera ebay came up first in the search. Heck, I could have bought all the parts and built a new camera. Man I was excited, and not to mention the part was like 7 bucks. So when the part came in I repaired the camera but I lived kind of far away from my sister so made plans to bring it to her on my next visit. At that time I had noticed how ebay had changed and how much easier it is now to setup items to sell. 

The first thing they recommend was to take lots of pictures and show every angle of the item being sold. Humm, I got this newly repaired cannon digital camera why not put it to work. I also had an extensive lighter collection form the 1970’s and a knife collection and a Star Trek collection all just collecting dust.

So I went to work. I’m an expert so I very quickly loaded up pictures and writing my listing ads. It was easy because when you’re a collector of any kind you become obsessed with what you collect. Much to my amazement and to this day I can still remember how exciting it felt to make a sale within the first hour after putting up my first lighter. Within 2 months I finished paying off my truck ($6,000.00) and after I sold all of my collections I started to hit the flea markets.

That was fun but it became a daunting task. After a time I had all this stuff, (I still have a bunch in storage) and although it really didn’t cost that much and the monies I made surpassed on what I spent as a whole. It became a chore over time I would not list anything until I needed the extra money. That’s the one thing about ebay it’s like a loyal dog I have to say. Every time I went back to selling I made money. “Every time”.

  • If you’ve been struggling to make some extra money on ebay
  • If you don’t know what to sell.
  • If you don’t know what to charge.
  • Maybe you don’t have or want to sell everything in your house.

    If you wold like to know more about how to sell on ebay
    without ever leaving your computer.

    Click Here Now To Learn a New Way to ebay in 2019

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